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Please fill out the form below to schedule your hat design session.





Hat with 3 Trims - $115.00

Hat with 5 Tims- $125.00

Hat with 7 Trims- $130.00


Hat with 3 Trims - $70.00

Hat with 5 Trims - $80.00

Hat with 7 Trims - $85.00

Tucker Hats

$50.00 Hat

Add Patches and Accessories for price as marked.

* All hat making includes everything needed and space to make the hats.



Branding- $6.00 per Brand


*Some specialty items priced individually.​*


-Design Session Attendees-

Design sessions/parties may be as small or large of a group as you need.​

Design Session Reservation Form:

woman with long dark hair standing in a tan felt hat staring at a building in the city
light green custom made felt hat with a black band around it and a zebra attern scarf.
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